Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Useful Web Design Resources

This article is a little different from the rest. It is not intended as a static article but is one that I will be revisiting regularly. My aim is to provide short reviews and links to other sites on the Internet that provide information on Web Design, Internet Marketing and Usability.

Through three child sites they provide articles on building your site, promoting your site and profiting from your site. At the time of writing this review I have written two articles that have been published on the build section of SitePoint. As well as featuring articles there is also a lively forum where you can get answers to most questions you may have related to the Web.

HTML Help by The Web Design Group

Another one of my favorites. This site is an excellent reference for HTML and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).

W3C - World Wide Web Consortium

The W3C write the standards for the Web. HTML, XHTML, CSS, XML, DOM and many more are all produced and maintained by them. This site is not for the faint of heart but contains everything you need to know about the standards and much more. Ian Lloyd's ultimate Accessibility resource. Everything you ever wanted to know about Accessible Web Design.

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