Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Outsourcing CSS - What To Look For

Most web publishers and companies are beginning to realize that cascading style sheets (CSS) is a good idea. CSS allows for individuals to make changes to all of their web pages that link to the CSS file at one time, by simply changing the style sheet. This is much easier than having to change each page one after another as we’ve had to in HTML in the past. For those familiar with it, it’s really simple and something that they can update and upgrade each of their websites with in a timely manner. Unfortunately there are a lot of people out there that have spent countless hours trying to learn CSS with no luck or they simply do not have the time to learn this new and easier approach to formatting. Does that mean that you need to continue to manually update things one page at a time? Not at all, you simply need to outsource your CSS so it can all be done for you! You can learn more about this and how the proper CSS can improve responsiveness and make your website more optimized for search engines at XHTML/CSS Coding Service.

Seeing is Believing

When outsourcing CSS you need to be sure that you are working with a professional individual or company. When shopping around you will want to ask each candidate for examples of their work so you are sure that this person/company can provide you with the type of look that you are going for and will not compromise the integrity of your current website. Remember that CSS allows for one to place text and graphics exactly where they want to, add rollover effects to links, more easily control spacing, and hide items from web browsers, and more. If you know what CSS is capable of you’ll be better able to gauge if someone knows what they are doing. It’s important to not only see the work of each company or individual, but you’ll also want to ask them for references or actual people that you can talk to about their experience and CSS knowledge.

Compare Prices

When shopping around to outsource your CSS project you’ll want to consider price. It’s true that you really do get what you pay for, so consider that when choosing an individual or company to work with. But also remember that the highest priced individual/company won’t always deliver the best work. Price is an important piece of the puzzle, but it must be weighed carefully with the professionalism and ability of the individual/company as well. Many times a freelance CSS professional will provide work that is just as good as a company, but for cheaper. Keep all these elements in mind when comparing prices.

Turn Around Time

The turn around time is also important when shopping for someone to outsource your CSS project to. If you would rather have your website updated sooner rather than later it might pay to go with the company that offers services at a higher price but can have the project completed in just three or four days. Turn around times vary, so you’ll want to be sure to ask this question or inquire on the company’s website before you outsource your CSS project to anyone.

As you can see, there are several important things to think about and to look for when you’re outsourcing your CSS project. Your website is your communication with your clients or the visitors to your website, so you should only entrust the job to someone who is professional, affordable, and will get the job done in the time span that you need it completed.

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